tirsdag 23. mars 2010

Table cloth callenge

Mrs. Moen has a challenge at her blog. This is a picture of my old table cloth. My grandmother made this sometimes in last century and I am going to transform it to something else.


Crazy quilt block second attempt

This is made with a different method. The first block is laid and the edges are pressed under. Then it’s stitched. The second method is fabric laid with right side together and stitched. Then it’s flipped over and pressed.

mandag 15. mars 2010

søndag 14. mars 2010

Crazy quilt

Har nå plukket ut stoffer til en crazy quilt blokk. Skal bruke de til et kurs på Quiltuniversietet. Kjekt å lære en ny teknikk.

This is some fabrics that I have selected for a crazy quilt block. I'm following a course at the Quilt University. It's fun to learn something new.

mandag 8. mars 2010

Kule fugler - Funky Fowl

Her er bilder av resultatet etter helgens kurs "Kule fugler" med Nina Lise Moen "Mrs. Moen"

Here is some picture of this weekend class "Funky Fowl" with Nina Lise Moen –”Mrs. Moen”

Edvarda and Clara