Jeg har prøvd meg litt med screenprint og andre trykkemetoder. Har litt ideer om hvordan jeg skal bruke stoffene. Til helgen skal jeg prøve litt mer trykk og stoffmaling.
I've tried a bit of screenprinting and other printing methods. I have some ideas about how to use these fabrics. This weekend I'll try printing some more fabrics.
torsdag 8. desember 2011
lørdag 3. desember 2011
Julekortene er klar !
Her er årets julekort. I år er de blitt litt mer eksprimentelle. De siste månedene har vært veldig travle. Men julekort det måtte jeg finne tid til.
Here is this year's Christmas cards. This year they have become little more eksprimentelle. The last months have been very busy. But Christmas cards that I had to find time for.
Here is this year's Christmas cards. This year they have become little more eksprimentelle. The last months have been very busy. But Christmas cards that I had to find time for.
Missing summer
Savner sommeren. Dette er biter av bomullsvatt som jeg har malt med stoffmaling i sommer. Blir litt inspirert til å finne på noe med disse.
Missing summer. These are pieces of cotton wool which I have painted with fabric paint in the summer. Being a bit inspired to do something with them.
Missing summer. These are pieces of cotton wool which I have painted with fabric paint in the summer. Being a bit inspired to do something with them.
søndag 20. november 2011
Quilters playtime
Jeg har tatt for meg neste lek i boken. dette er "Tic - Tac - Toe". Her tar en en vanlig "four patch" blokk og ved å kutte og sy inn stoffstriper lager det en illusjon av vertikaler og horisontale striper.
I have tried me on the next play in the book. This is the "Tic - Tac - Toe." This is a common four patch block. By cutting and insert sewing the fabric strips it arises aillusion of vertical and horizontal stripes.
I have tried me on the next play in the book. This is the "Tic - Tac - Toe." This is a common four patch block. By cutting and insert sewing the fabric strips it arises aillusion of vertical and horizontal stripes.
Quiltersplay time by Dianne S. Hire
Denne helgen måtte jeg finne tid til å sy. Har vært opptatt med helt andre ting i de siste måneden. Jeg kjøpte boken "Quilters play time - games with fabrics" av Dianne S. Hire. Det har vært et godt kjøp. Boken er bygd opp med barneleker som tema. Den starter med en enkel innføring i en teknikk som hun kakker "Hopscotch", vi kaller det "å hoppe paradis". Dette er en slags wonky log cabin.
This weekend I had to find time to sew. Have been busy with quite other things in the past month. I bought this book "Quilters Playtime - games with fabrics" by Dianne S. Hire. It has been a good buy. The book is made up of games as theme. It starts with a simple introduction to a technique which she nems "Hopscotch", we call it "jumping paradise." This is a kind of wonky log cabin.
This weekend I had to find time to sew. Have been busy with quite other things in the past month. I bought this book "Quilters Playtime - games with fabrics" by Dianne S. Hire. It has been a good buy. The book is made up of games as theme. It starts with a simple introduction to a technique which she nems "Hopscotch", we call it "jumping paradise." This is a kind of wonky log cabin.
torsdag 17. november 2011
Møte i Rogaland Quiltelag
Onsdag hadde vi møte i laget. Tema var embellishment og Bitteliten hadde butikk. Vi hadde en workshop hvor vi lærte å male på blonde. Det var kjekt. Jeg måtte kjøpe med meg litt maling og dette må også prøves i helgen. Gleder meg.
Wednesday we had a meeting in my quilting guild. The theme was embellishment and "Bitteliten" had shop. We had a workshop where we learned how to paint lace. It was nice. I had to buy me some paint and this must also be tested this weekend. Looking forward.
Wednesday we had a meeting in my quilting guild. The theme was embellishment and "Bitteliten" had shop. We had a workshop where we learned how to paint lace. It was nice. I had to buy me some paint and this must also be tested this weekend. Looking forward.
Ny bok Quilters play time
Kjøpte denne boken. Har kost meg med den i flere dager nå. Har fått masse ideer som må prøves på syrommet til helgen
I bought this book. It's great: I have browsed in the book for several days now. I have got lots of ideas to be tested on the sewing room in the weekend
I bought this book. It's great: I have browsed in the book for several days now. I have got lots of ideas to be tested on the sewing room in the weekend
fredag 23. september 2011
Festival of Quilts in Birmingham
Nå har det vært stille en stund på bloggen min. Det har vært en travel sommer. Jeg har blant annet vært på ”Festivals of quilt” i Birmingham. Det kan absolutt anbefales. Mange flotte quilter i alle mulige varianter. Mye inspirasjon. I tillegg var det et fantastisk utvalg av ting og tang å kjøpe. Har kjøpt med meg mange forskjellige saker. Ble fasinert av alle mulige slags teknikker for å piffe opp stoffene. Kjøpte med meg maling og diverse. Jeg var også på to kurs. Det ene var om bruk av ”Embellisher” / Filtemaskin. Her lærte jeg mange nye ting om denne, og bruk av alle mulige stoffer. Konklusjonen etter dette kurset er at ingen stoffbit eller tråd er for liten til å kunne brukes til noe. Nå må jeg ta vare på alt og jeg tar også vare på resten etter mine syvenniner når vi har hatt sy kveld.
Jeg var også på et kurs i ”Mixed media” – her malte vi på stoff og pyntet det etter på med andre stoffer i forskjellige teksturer.
It has been quiet for a while on my blog. There has been a busy summer. I have been on the "Festival of quilt" in Birmingham. It is highly recommended. Many beautiful quilts in all possible variations. Much inspiration. In addition, it was a fantastic selection of bits and bobs to buy. I was fascinated by all sorts of techniques to spice up my work. Bought with my paints and other fun. stuff
I was also on two courses. One was the use of "embellisher". I learned many new things about the machine, and use of all possible fabrics. The conclusion of this course is that no piece of fabric or thread is too small and it can be used with my Embellisher.
I was also on two courses. One was the use of "embellisher". I learned many new things about the machine, and use of all possible fabrics. The conclusion of this course is that no piece of fabric or thread is too small and it can be used with my Embellisher.
I also participated in a course in "Mixed media" - here we painted on fabric and decorated it with other fabrics in different textures.
søndag 10. april 2011
Circles are finally done
Endelig ferdig
Circle project is finally finished and hangs now on the wall. I havedone a lot of embellishment on this one.
Circle project is finally finished and hangs now on the wall. I havedone a lot of embellishment on this one.
lørdag 26. mars 2011
Nå begynner jeg å få vår fornemmelse og da blir det litt rydding i ting og tang. Her dukket det opp et sengeteppe som jeg startet på for noen år side. På tide å få fart på det. Det skal applikeres og sys sammen med stykkevis og delt teknikk.
When spring is in the air I always start to tidying up. This appeared, it is a bedspread that I started some years page. Now is time for get ready with it. I have to appliqué and sew it together. I am using “bits and pieces” technique.
When spring is in the air I always start to tidying up. This appeared, it is a bedspread that I started some years page. Now is time for get ready with it. I have to appliqué and sew it together. I am using “bits and pieces” technique.
onsdag 23. mars 2011
søndag 20. mars 2011
søndag 13. mars 2011
Klar for quilting
Endelig er sirkelprosjektet mitt klar for quilting.
Finally, the circle project ready for quilting. Have some ideas on how.
Finally, the circle project ready for quilting. Have some ideas on how.
søndag 6. mars 2011
Sirklene klar for quilting - circles made redy for quilting
fredag 4. mars 2011
Lengter etter sommeren
Nå lengter jeg til sommeren. Dette bilde henger på kontoret mitt på jobb for å minne meg på at det blir snart sommer
Now I yearn for the summer. This picture hangs in my office at work to remind me that there soon will be summer
Now I yearn for the summer. This picture hangs in my office at work to remind me that there soon will be summer
mandag 28. februar 2011
Sirklene tar form
Nå har jeg laget sirklene og begynt sammen sying. Må håndapplikere litt og så behøves tanke arbeid.
I have made the circles and started to assemble them. Have to hand appliqué a bit first.
I have made the circles and started to assemble them. Have to hand appliqué a bit first.
lørdag 26. februar 2011
Still going in circle
Denne sirkelen er en del av et større prosjekt, fortsatt usikker på hva jeg skal gjøre videre! Har planer om å arbeide med dette i løpet av helgen.
This circle is part of a larger project, still unsure of what to do next! Have plans to work with this over the weekend
I'll be at our cabin and there is no electricity, so the iron must be home.
This circle is part of a larger project, still unsure of what to do next! Have plans to work with this over the weekend
Jeg skal på hytta vår og her er det ikke strøm, så strykejernet må bli hjemme.
I'll be at our cabin and there is no electricity, so the iron must be home.
lørdag 19. februar 2011
Tepper som varmer Rogaland Quiltelag
Quiltelaget mitt har en aksjon hvor vi syr barnetepper til lokal sykehuset vårt. I dag har vi hatt workshop for å sy quilt topper. Vi var 8 stykker som møttes på Kaktus quilts. Vi skar og la ut blokker, vurderet og diskuterte, sydde sammen og ble kjempe fornøyde. Vi fikk sydd 10 topper.
Stoffene har vi fått fra Olaugsquilt hun sendte oss en stor Norges pakke full av stoffert. Tusen takk Olaug.
My guild has an action where we sew blankets for children at local hospital. Today we had a workshop to sew the quilttops. We were 8 pieces that met at the Kaktus quilt. We cut and laid out the blocks, review and discuss, sewn together and was very happy. We had made 10 tops
Stoffene har vi fått fra Olaugsquilt hun sendte oss en stor Norges pakke full av stoffert. Tusen takk Olaug.
My guild has an action where we sew blankets for children at local hospital. Today we had a workshop to sew the quilttops. We were 8 pieces that met at the Kaktus quilt. We cut and laid out the blocks, review and discuss, sewn together and was very happy. We had made 10 tops
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Klart for søm |
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Her må det diskuteres |
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Noen som er ferdig sydd |
tirsdag 15. februar 2011
Going in circles 2
Disse sirklene er laget i forskjellige teknikker. Jeg har ingen ide om hva de kan brukes til, foreløpig.
These circles are made in different techniques. I have no idea how they can be used, yet.
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The outer circle are made with interfacing and then reversed. It is then appliqued on to fabric |
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The outer circle is made with rim and then reversed. It is then sewn to the fabric |
mandag 14. februar 2011
Going in circles 1
Nytt prosjekt på gang. Jeg utforsker nye design. Det er et kurs på quilteuniversitete - going in circles.
A new projects. I explore new designs. This is one of them. It is a course on quilteuniversitete - going in circles.
Leksjon 1
A new projects. I explore new designs. This is one of them. It is a course on quilteuniversitete - going in circles.
Leksjon 1
En tradisjonell blokk sydd til en sirkel. Jeg har fri hånds quiltet blomstene. Malen til sirkelen er et stort glass fat. Den kan brukes til en lite bordduk, ca 16 " i diameter.
A traditional block sewn into a circle. I have free motion quilted flowers. The template for the circle is a large glass platter. I can can use it as a small table cloth, about 16 "in diameter.
søndag 13. februar 2011
Valentine’s Day Quilts contest
Jeg deltar i konkuranse her med dette Hjerteteppe
Utrolig mye fint. Teppet som heter "Give one's heart" er mitt. Om du liker det , gi meg en stemme.
I participate in the contest here with this Quilt.
My quilt is called "Give ones heart" . If you like it, give me your vote !
Utrolig mye fint. Teppet som heter "Give one's heart" er mitt. Om du liker det , gi meg en stemme.
I participate in the contest here with this Quilt.
My quilt is called "Give ones heart" . If you like it, give me your vote !
søndag 6. februar 2011
Prosjekt klær - Project Clothing
I de siste månedene har jeg prøvd meg med å sy klær. Jeg meldte meg på en sy klasse og kjøpte stoff og mønster til en dress jakke i thaisilke. Hadde nok litt for stor tro på at jeg kunne sy! Heldigvis var læreren Hege tålmodig og flink og jakken ble ferdig den.
In recent months I have tried to sew clothes. I signed up for a sewing class and bought the fabric and pattern for a suit jacket in Thai silk. Had a little too much confidence that I could sew! Fortunately, the teacher Hege is patient and clever and the jacket was finished.
Denne er håpløs. Likte egentlig ikke stoffet og mønsteret var helt uten fasong. Jeg har klippet, tråklet, sprettet og sydd – nå ser det ut som om den kan bli ferdig….
This one is hopeless. Did not really like the fabric and the pattern had no shape. I have cut, basted, ripped and stitched - Now it looks as if it can be done ....
In recent months I have tried to sew clothes. I signed up for a sewing class and bought the fabric and pattern for a suit jacket in Thai silk. Had a little too much confidence that I could sew! Fortunately, the teacher Hege is patient and clever and the jacket was finished.
Har fortsatt på kurs. Det neste prosjektet er en helt enkel kjole i stretch chenille. Dette var enkelt.
Still on course. The next project is a simple dress in stretch chenille. This was easy.Denne er håpløs. Likte egentlig ikke stoffet og mønsteret var helt uten fasong. Jeg har klippet, tråklet, sprettet og sydd – nå ser det ut som om den kan bli ferdig….
This one is hopeless. Did not really like the fabric and the pattern had no shape. I have cut, basted, ripped and stitched - Now it looks as if it can be done ....
søndag 30. januar 2011
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